Sunday, February 2, 2014

Royal sketches & ethnic series paintings by Gloria Poole of Missouri

Sketch of Prince Charles by Gloria Poole; yr 2008;
Sketch of Prince Charles by Gloria Poole; yr 2008; powdered pastels

Another sketch of Prince Charles by Gloria Poole
Another sketch of Prince Charles by Gloria Poole in mixed media of inks, powdered pastels, watercolors

French Man ethnic series oil painting by Gloria Poole
French Man ethnic series oil painting by Gloria Poole; yr 2009

German lady ethnic series oil painting by Gloria Poole; yr 2009
German Lady ethnic series oil painting by Gloria Poole in yr 2009

Sleeping in a stetson oil painting by Gloria Poole
Sleeping in a Stetson ethnic series oil painting by Gloria Poole in yr 2012
I also painted the ethnic oil painting "The Scotsman" and I tried 3 times to add it to this post. It seems to have been linked by cybercriminals in some way since it sort of jumps to different spot on blog from where I added it, and it resizes itself regardless of how the photo I photographed appears. I have the original and will rephotograph it to add to a blog. It is rightfully mine and belongs entirely to me since I painted it! And since I HAVE THE PAINTING in my possession. And since I never sold the image [photo] of it and I never signed away the copyright to any art I have created since I gave 3 paintings to 2 museums in Georgia in the 1990s.  

Also, for the record: I have all of these paintings and sketches in my possession and they are tangible works of art created by me Gloria Poole , currently residing in Missouri.  I own the copyright to them and also to all the ethnic paintings and sketches and all the art I have ever created that  I painted, sketched, drew and then photographed including but not limited to these and "the Scotsman"  [as seen on my blog at the moment] but  also whether or not I photograph them or display them anywhere. 

Copyright: I, Gloria Poole, of Missouri own this blog and all rights to all content on it. I began this blog to begin with during my then 2nd marriage but I am divorced from  bad guy felon abuser of women named DBP since Oct 2007 after 4 horrible years of marriage in which he injured me physically repeatedly and made many threats to kill me. NONE of these paintings resemble him in any way.  I removed DBP's surname of Pappas from my name by Court order at the same time as final decree in Oct, 2007 and I resumed my maiden name including my surname of Poole on the same decree.  That man DBP was never my business partner and was never authorized to represent me in any endeavour and has no authority to access any account of mine, nor to record my telephone calls nor to access any financial account of mine, nor any  online account of mine. It is necessary to write this AGAIN because yesterday I realized someone had broken into my account of; and that required some effort to regain control of. 

I, Gloria, drew this first, then painted them, then signed them in paint with my given, born with first name of Gloria and the year I painted them.  I am also known on web as: gloriapoole; press.gloriapoole; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloria_poole; gloriapoole1749; Gloria Poole; Gloria Poole,RN; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; G-L-O-R-I-A; and other variations of my real, born with legal name of Gloria Poole. Also, for the record, I painted an entire series that I named ethnic paintings and I put them on my Picasa albums at and also  Also, for the record, I am white, woman, Christian [religion] , republican, prolife activist; and the mother of two grown daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh and the grandmother of minor children.  I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri and an artist in all artist mediums; blogger, photographer, poet, author. I was born in the state  of Georgia but moved to Missouri Oct 31, 2009. 

Gloria Poole, at my apartment in Missouri which is my only residence; 2-February-2014 at 12:00noon.