Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mini-exhibit of art with red paint by Gloria Poole of Missouri

Ethnic series sketch by Gloria Poole
Ethnic series sketch by Gloria Poole 
"Italian gypsy" ethnic series sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri; but painted in 2006
"Italian Gypsy" ethnic series sketch by Gloria Poole, currently of Missouri. sketch created in 2006

"Brothers and cousins" oil painting by Gloria Poole of Missouri; 2014
"Brothers and cousins" oil painting by Gloria Poole of Missouri. 2014

"English lady" oil painting by Gloria Poole;ethnic series; yr 2007
"English lady" oil painting, one in ethnic series painted  by Gloria Poole, beginning in yr 2007.

F1driver-sketch by Gloria Poole; yr 2013;
F1-driver sketch by Gloria Poole; yr 2013; acrylics and watercolors

"Greek lady" ethnic series oil painting by Gloria Poole; yr 2007
"Greek lady" ethnic series oil painting by Gloria Poole; yr 2007

"Maharajah" sketch one is a series drawn and painted by Gloria Poole;
"Maharajah" sketch one in a series, drawn and painted by Gloria Poole

I, Gloria Poole,  am continuing the public exhibition of art I created over several years that includes red paint. The previous post on this blog also is part of this "exhibition". Also, there are about 20-25 more works of "art" I created using red paint [and other paints also, but red was central to painting in this "exhibition."In all, over about 20 years of time, I have drawn, sketched and painted about 900 "works of art" and I use that term loosely.

To see the other exhibit of the color red paint in art I created, visit each of these blogs of mine, which are each different. The other blogs in this exhibition of art I created, drew, sketched or painted please see these:
Copyright Notice: I, Gloria Poole, of Missouri, but born in state of Georgia, own all rights to this blog and to all content on it. I also own the copyrights to all art and words  I create, anywhere, for any reason, with any tool, at any time, whether or not I photograph it and whether or not I display it/ them.  publicly.
Also, for the record: I am white woman, single again [divorced twice] and the natural mother of 2 grown daughters but no sons. I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri; and an artist in all mediums. I am Christian, prolife, republican. I was born in the state of Georgia but moved to Missouri from Colorado on Oct 31, 2009. I create art in all mediums. I removed the Pappas name from my name forevermore after second divorce in Oct 2007 in Arapahoe County Colorado and I resumed my maiden name by order of Judge in District Court there at time of final decree. 
Reiterate Copyright Notice: I,  Gloria Poole; of Missouri but born in the state of Georgia, own all rights to this blog, to this account,and to all content of it including all words, photos and art; and  to all art I create, to all words I write, to the book I wrote and illustrated for children; and to the accounts that support this blog. This is NOT a shared account, nor a shared blog, nor a shared apt, nor a shared telephone(s), nor shared electronic equipment. I am a single, white, woman, and the natural mother of two daughters who are Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri now but before that in Georgia and other states where I lived. I paint, sketch, draw, blog, write, tweet from my own private apartment. I am also prolife, republican and Christian.  Also, I sign my name as merely Gloria on paintings and sometimes as Gloria Poole on sketches and that is my real name, legal since I was born with it and since I resumed it after both divorces. On the web I am also known as : gloriapoole; gloria.poole; gloria-poole; gloriapoole1749; gloria_poole; gloriapoole.RN; Gloria; G-L-O-R-I-A [see]; gloria0817; gpoole817; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; and other variations of my real name including artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole, Gloria and Ms. Gloria Poole.
Gloria Poole; at my apt in Missouri which is my only residence [for purposes of copyright]; 19-Feb-2014 at  2:22pm. Updated 27-Feb-2014 at 7:16am by Gloria Poole of Missouri and Georgia to add this : Two days ago, I created a new blog to continue the theme of a mini-exhibit of art I create as a set or series.  I put the most recent oil paintings I painted in my ethnic series of paintings that I began in year 2006, on it. You can view it at