Sunday, August 31, 2014

Amphibious plane sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri :Update

Amphibious plane sketch by Gloria Poole of Missouri; 22 August 2014 ; acrylics on 14x17 paper
The idea for this sketch is the result of a TV show I saw recently that was about South Seas barrier islands and how a plane was necessary to visit some of them.  I lived on St Simons Island Georgia for about a year so I know island life is very pleasant.  I, Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri but born in state of Georgia, drew this, painted, signed it, photographed it and uploaded it to this blog of mine today 22 August 2014.

Copyright Notice: this blog and all content of it is created by me Gloria Poole and owned by me,  and I own all rights to it and to reproduce my art, words,  or photos I create . This blog and all content on it is covered by U S Copyright law and it may not be transferred to anyone anywhere, nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor be printed at remote, nor re-published nor copied, nor photocopied, nor downloaded. 

Reminder: I am not on Facebook nor Pinterest and never was. I have had much trouble with persons at remote using my name and emails as their own [Identity theft} and I know some of that is coming from Facebook.  I do have a tumblr blog at but after they changed the terms and conditions I did not add to it. The new terms and conditions were unacceptable to me because tumblr was essentially asking me to transfer my copyright to tumblr and I refused. The art I post to any blog of mine is art I created, signed, photographed and uploaded and have the originals of.

For the record: I, Gloria Poole, residing in Missouri but born in the state of Georgia, am a white, single-again, twice -divorced Southern Baptist Christian woman and the natural mother of two grown children who are daughters named Jennifer and Leigh but no sons. I, Gloria Poole, am also a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri [but before that for most of my life in Georgia]; and  an artist in all mediums, a poet, author, cartoonist, illustrator, photographer, writer, prolife activist, personhood amendment promoter, University of Georgia alumna, a U S citizen, blogger and citizen journo. You can read more about me and see more art I create on these blogs of mine:
And [the blog in my former married name].
Also, for purposes of ID and provenance of art I created for my ethnic series, I divorced a second time in Arapahoe County Colorado in Oct 2007 from male DBP after four horrible years of trauma and injury to me caused by him; and I removed the Pappas name from my name [since it was his surname] at the time of final decree of divorce from male DBP in Oct 2007  by order of District Court Judge at Centennial, CO, and I resumed my full maiden name including my surname of Poole in Oct 2007 at the same time. Gloria Poole is my real, born with, legal name.
Gloria Poole; also known as Gloria on art I create and sign and in real life since that is my real name; and on web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; photo-by-gloriapoole; cartooning-by-gloriapoole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist;  G-L-O-R-I-A; @gloriapoole; gloria.poole; gloriapoole.RN; and other variations of my real born with name of Gloria Poole, at my own private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone; on 22 August 2014 at 8:49am. Update by me Gloria on 30 August 2014 at 1:30pm to add paragraph about me not being on Facebook nor Pinterest.