Sunday, January 24, 2021

Oil painting by me Gloria Poole,RN of Springfield,MO

This is the oil painting I painted yesterday on board. It is 24 inches by 36 inches in size. I signed it as usual and this time I signed it so huge so the criminals at remote would have a harder time preventing it from appearing on the painting. Copyright. I, Gloria Poole, a.k.a. gloriapoole on web and other variations of my name [I was born with] on web, own all rights to this art I created and to all images/photos/words about it that I create, and to this blog and all blogs/art/words/tweets of mine.

I have other blogs also including these:

and others and each is unique as I create them one by one at different times with different content each time.

Posted today 24 Jan 2021 at 10:14am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, cartoonist, blogger, former tweeter until twitter discrmnated against me for being opposed to killing innocents in the womb, and photographer, white woman, U S citizen, mother and grandmother. All rights reservd in the copyright laws of the United States, and reserved to me Gloria Poole,exclusively.